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3 Innovative Ways to Structure Influencer Marketing Campaigns Using Tribe Dynamics’ Software

Marketing Strategy
3 Innovative Ways to Structure Influencer Marketing Campaigns Using Tribe Dynamics’ Software

If you’re familiar with Tribe Dynamics’ influencer marketing software, then you already know how the Campaigns feature allows you to easily monitor and evaluate your brand’s influencer marketing campaigns. But to recap, the Campaigns tool provides customized tracking, measurement, and benchmarking of a subset of your influencer community around any activation or product.

Many brands use Campaigns to assess the earned media impact and influencer participation rate of activations like product seedings and events. In our case study with PÜR, for instance, the brand detailed how it used Campaigns to gauge the success of its 4-in-1 Love Your Selfie™ Longwear Foundation & Concealer launch in April 2019. With Campaigns, PÜR was able to easily determine how many of the influencers they sent the new product to created content about the launch, and how much Earned Media Value (EMV) the activation generated—figures the brand used to benchmark their performance against past campaigns and similar launches from its competitors. Furthermore, because Campaigns allowed PÜR to surface all content mentioning the new product from the activated influencers in one place, the brand easily monitored those influencers’ reception in real time, and interacted with its community to address any positive or negative reviews of the foundation.

So, we know that Tribe Dynamics’ Campaigns tool is a great way to help your brand execute and evaluate its influencer marketing initiatives. But, there are many additional (and less obvious) ways that Campaigns can provide your brand with valuable insights into your influencer community and outreach strategies. Did you know that you can also use Campaigns to…

1. Select Which Influencers To Activate

As we’ve mentioned, the Campaigns tool allows you to measure the success of your brand’s influencer activations—product seedings, brand events, or hashtag campaigns, to name a few. But in addition to mid- and post-activation evaluation, you can—and should—utilize the Campaigns tool in the planning stage, too. Using Campaigns, you can make more informed decisions about which content creators to activate in the first place.

A screenshot from Tribe Dynamics’ influencer marketing software.

For example, say your brand is launching a new iteration of a hero product, and you want to generate buzz with a pre-launch product seeding initiative. When deciding which bloggers to send the new product to, you’d probably want to consider the influencers who are already fans of the original product, as they are more likely to be interested in testing the new launch. 

With this in mind, you can set up a Campaign within Tribe Dynamics’ software to identify which members of your brand’s existing influencer community are driving the most conversation around the original hero product. Whether you’re interested in monitoring your entire ambassador network, or a more specific subset, a Campaign would allow your brand to not only track which influencers mentioned the product in their content, but who created the most content and generated the most EMV—thereby providing you a list of prime product-send candidates. (And of course, you can then easily create a new Campaign with these influencers to measure the success of the pre-launch send.)

2. Audit Your Influencer Community

Consistently engaging and nurturing your influencer community takes a lot of time and resources. So, when evaluating your brand partners and advocates, it’s important to see some return on investment. You can use Campaigns to “audit” groups of your brand’s influencer community and help determine the status of your relationship with them. Adding influencers to a Campaign that tracks brand mentions allows you to see their post and EMV totals for your brand over any time frame, and also measure how much their followers are engaging with this content. Equipped with this information, you can better determine which content creators are worth continued investment—and which are not. While some inactive influencers simply might not be a good fit for your brand, others might just need more attention or opportunities for content creation. Thus, these “audits” can also help you reevaluate your influencer outreach strategies.

A screenshot from Tribe Dynamics’ influencer marketing software.

Additionally, you can use Campaigns to measure the impact of your brand’s influencer partnership or affiliate program. Because you can customize a Campaign to track posts that include any search terms you’re interested in capturing, you can easily measure the EMV associated with specific partner hashtags (i.e. #BiossancePartner). This could help you identify your brand’s top influencer partners, and evaluate the success of your paid content program overall.

3. Evaluate Your Retailer Partnerships

Similar to your more official influencer relationships, if your brand partners with retailers like Sephora, Nordstrom, or Target to promote the in-store availability of your products, then Campaigns can also be useful in evaluating the impact of these partnerships. By adding your retailer partners as “Ambassadors” to your Campaign, you can see how often they promote your brand’s products and how much engagement those posts receive. You can also then compare the activity of each retailer against the others, to better understand which partners are driving the most conversation around your brand.

Alternatively, you can use Campaigns to showcase the efficacy of your influencer marketing program in driving traffic to your retail partners’ sites. In our case study with Profusion Cosmetics, for instance, the brand shared how it created a Tribe Dynamics Campaign around its 2018 holiday box send, and filtered for specific mentions of the retail partner in influencers’ posts. This allowed Profusion Cosmetics to measure and report the EMV generated by influencers’ posts that specifically tagged or mentioned the retailer. When comparing the brand’s Campaign data to its retail partner’s sales data, Profusion Cosmetics found that the products most mentioned in influencer content were also the ones most sold in the retailer’s stores.

Be sure to check out our full PÜR and Profusion Cosmetics case studies. Click below to learn more about the many ways Tribe Dynamics’ Campaigns software can help your brand build and evaluate an impactful influencer marketing program!


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Ready to unlock your brand’s influencer marketing potential?

Tribe Dynamics provides iconic brands the full picture of their influencer marketing programs through industry-leading data and influencer marketing analytics solutions. We work with brands, retailers, and agencies across industries—from beauty to entertainment—so let’s get in touch to see if we’re the right fit for you!

“Working with Tribe Dynamics over the past 5+ years has been a true partnership in every sense of the word. The sophistication in their data is unmatched in the industry, and the level of insight in their analysis has become indispensable for any marketer in the beauty space today. They’re truly best-in-class.”

Mehdi Mehdi, Chief Digital Officer,
Rare Beauty

"Tribe Dynamics' influencer marketing platform provides a holistic view of our ambassadors as well as hard data that proves their importance to company leadership."

Joy Findeisen, Brand Relations and Digital PR Manager,