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Tribe Dynamics’ ‘Influencer Search’ Tool Helps Brands Find the Right Influencers to Work With

A gif showing how a Tribe Dynamics user can the Search feature to find and filter influencers based on their recent mentions of #cleanbeauty.

When creating a new influencer campaign or activation, one of the first questions influencer marketers must ask themselves is, “Which influencers will I include?” And while the strategies behind answering these questions can and should vary based on the goal of the campaign, the basic demand remains the same: influencer marketers need a tool to easily find the most promising influencers to connect with.


Tribe Dynamics’ Influencer Search Tool Helps Brands Find the Right Influencers to Work With

With Influencer Search, a feature of Tribe Dynamics’ influencer marketing platform, users can cut through the noise of the influencer space, and easily identify new influencers to include in brand campaigns based on what brands and hashtags those influencers post about. (Influencer Search builds on Tribe Dynamics’ Discover feature, which surfaces influencers who have recently posted about your brand, but haven’t yet been added to your account.) 

With Influencer Search, users are able to maximize chances of activation participation and retention by finding influencers that may be the most interested in their product or brand based on what they've mentioned before. For instance, a clean skincare brand looking to grow its influencer community can use Tribe Dynamics’ Influencer Search to identify influencers who have mentioned similar brands or used “#cleanbeauty” in their previous posts. For narrowing down that perfect group to activate, the brand can also filter influencers by specific criteria, like location, follower count, and whether they are already following them in your account. By using Influencer Search to be deliberate with adding influencers to your activations, your brand can maximize your ROI on community expansion and retention efforts.

Search with filters

Influencer Search allows your brand to:

  • Find influencers from Tribe Dynamics’ expansive influencer database of over 120,000 content creators based on their mentions of brands or hashtags over the past 6 months.
  • Search from 1,000 popular hashtags to find the most relevant influencers for your brand. These hashtags are updated daily.
  • Search any brand that Tribe Dynamics tracks (that’s over 900 brands!), and find out which influencers are posting about that brand. 
  • Filter influencers by specific criteria, like location, follower count, engagement rate, and whether your brand is already following them in your account.
  • For each influencer you find using Influencer Search, you will see how many posts and how much Earned Media Value (EMV) that influencer generated for the brand or hashtag you searched for.
  • Add the influencers you’re interested in to your account to begin tracking their content, apply custom tags to these influencers, and/or add influencers to a campaign directly from the Influencer Search tool.

Influencer Search, in conjunction with Tribe Dynamics’ entire suite of influencer tracking and management tools, helps your brand surface the right influencers to build relationships with, optimizing your influencer program and maximizing your ROI. To learn how Influencer Search can help you build your next influencer campaign, let’s connect!


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Ready to unlock your brand’s influencer marketing potential?

Tribe Dynamics provides iconic brands the full picture of their influencer marketing programs through industry-leading data and influencer marketing analytics solutions. We work with brands, retailers, and agencies across industries—from beauty to entertainment—so let’s get in touch to see if we’re the right fit for you!

“Working with Tribe Dynamics over the past 5+ years has been a true partnership in every sense of the word. The sophistication in their data is unmatched in the industry, and the level of insight in their analysis has become indispensable for any marketer in the beauty space today. They’re truly best-in-class.”

Mehdi Mehdi, Chief Digital Officer,
Rare Beauty

"Tribe Dynamics' influencer marketing platform provides a holistic view of our ambassadors as well as hard data that proves their importance to company leadership."

Joy Findeisen, Brand Relations and Digital PR Manager,